
JCS Focus

本周JCS Focus



Sociological Theory



Sociological Theory (《社会学理论》)发表实质理论、理论史、元理论、形式理论等各理论领域的相关研究,以展示优秀的国际研究成果和学术著作而闻名。尽管该刊的目标读者是社会学领域的研究人员,但其专业取向是多元化的,也欢迎其他学科领域学者投稿。

Current Issue

Sociological Theory 为季刊,最新一期(Volume 42 Issue 4, December 2024)共计4篇文章,详情如下。


Demograghy 61(4), 2024

Four Temporalities: Toward a Typology of Narrative Forms

Simeon J. Newman

I outline four temporalities that appear in highly regarded explanatory historical social science. Given William Sewell’s centrality to the literature, I do so through a critique of his proposition that there are “three temporalities”—experimental time, teleology, and eventfulness—and that only the last of them is valid. I concede that his rejection of “experimental” time is justified. But I argue that the category of “teleology,” which Sewell rejects, encompasses two forms of transitional change—“tendencies” and “thresholds”—that are coherent and defensible. I further argue that his preferred category of “eventfulness” really refers to two distinct temporalities—“coincidences” and “contrivances”—rather than just one. I illustrate tendencies, thresholds, coincidences, and contrivances in the works of John Veugelers, Ivan Ermakoff, Marshall Sahlins, and, of course, Sewell.

The Matrix of AI Agency: On the Demarcation Problem in Social Theory

Fabian Anicker,Golo Flaßhoff,Frank Marcinkowski

Recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) make the question of machine agency a pressing matter. Contrary to the idea that agency is the inherent quality of a system, we argue that agency should be seen as a social status, or more precisely, a socially granted license to issue actions that is acquired and monitored in social practices. From this perspective, we develop criteria for the theoretical demarcation of agents and nonagents to distinguish entities based on their attributed abilities and their relative power in social networks. We derive a matrix of different types of agents and show how this matrix can inform empirical studies on AI.

Figures of Migration in the Classical Sociologies of Marx, Weber, and Du Bois

Helge Schwiertz

Migration is a topic of heated debate, yet it is relatively absent from sociological theory discussions. This article analyzes the extent to which structural de-thematization or specific framing of migration shapes sociological perspectives by focusing on approaches that have been canonized as “classics.” Through a rereading of Karl Marx, Max Weber, and W. E. B. Du Bois, I address absences and show how these authors have nevertheless constructed certain figures of migration: as a passive figure of forced mobility, a threatening figure of otherness, and an active figure of social transformation. How these authors depict migration is both symptomatic of their approach but also of a contemporary sociological and sociopolitical discourse that can be critically reflected in relation to these works. By showing how migration is treated in these different intellectual projects, the article contributes to a genealogy of sociological thought and its impact on contemporary perspectives regarding migration, diversity, and inequality.

Rearticulating Realism: Chains of Reference and Epistemic Success in the Sciences

Cristián Navarrete

In recent decades, the long-standing debate about the scientific status of the social sciences and their explanatory nature has been rearticulated through perspectivist, interpretivist, and mechanistic approaches. Whereas mechanistic approaches advocate for realism in sociological models, perspectivist and interpretivist perspectives challenge this by emphasizing the multiple interpretations and meaningful nature of social reality, as opposed to the natural sciences. Currently, the metatheoretical discussion centers on competing views regarding the relationship between theories and the objects they address. In contrast to this focus on theories, I propose a rearticulation of Hacking’s interventionist argument. I argue that all sciences share a common epistemic activity—the construction of chains of reference—which points to shared notions of success. This paves the way for realism through a practice-based argument that does not originate from ontological disputes, suggesting that our best theories are those literally embedded in scientific practice.

以上就是本期 JCS Focus 的全部内容啦!



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《中国社会学学刊》(The Journal of Chinese Sociology)于2014年10月由中国社会科学院社会学研究所创办。作为中国大陆第一本英文社会学学术期刊,JCS致力于为中国社会学者与国外同行的学术交流和合作打造国际一流的学术平台。JCS由全球最大科技期刊出版集团施普林格·自然(Springer Nature)出版发行,由国内外顶尖社会学家组成强大编委会队伍,采用双向匿名评审方式和“开放获取”(open access)出版模式。JCS已于2021年5月被ESCI收录。2022年,JCS的CiteScore分值为2.0(Q2),在社科类别的262种期刊中排名第94位,位列同类期刊前36%。2023年,JCS在科睿唯安发布的2023年度《期刊引证报告》(JCR)中首次获得影响因子并达到1.5(Q3)。

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