《情绪管理十二讲》第3版:第五讲 毒性人格,为何不能正常诠释第五讲-毒性人格,为何不能正常诠释

(本文为任由之Léo 翻译)





这还没有结束,之后还有更精彩的续集。这些在儿童及青春期早期没有觉醒的个体,在之后的生活中,会与自我意识觉醒背道而驰。原因是自我意识中的逃避自我保护机制在时刻发力,来缓解因为没有自我意识而经历的巨量痛苦。这样说起来你似乎觉得很不直观,难以理解。那么换句话来说,对于自我意识没有觉醒的人, 他们的主观意识里就没有“在我看来”这个概念。原因也很简单,因为“我”这个概念的完整建立,是需要以自我觉醒为前提的。正是因为没有这个完整丰满的“我“的概念,这样的人就无法意识到,自己所有的所思所想,都无一例外的是自己主观对这个世界的解读。当一个人意识不到自己所有的思想都是自己主观解读的表现的时候,他在社交上的问题也就凸显了出来。“在我看来”,或者“以鄙人的拙见”,不仅是不同人之间交往的必要缓冲,也同时是厚重和兼收并蓄的成熟人格的前提。原因也不难看出:一个人须要先认识到自己的存在。其次,在自我意识觉醒的前提下, 才有可能看到自己作为个体的局限。只有当看到了局限,并且接受了自己作为个体的局限,一个人格才有可能走向成熟,与最终的超脱。



Toxic personality, why some people are impossible to reason with

We all have crossed that someone in our life, who is always right and cannot be challenged. What more, he or she seems to force everyone around him or her to submit to their way of doing things with next to 0 flexibility. For some reason, we are bound to them unfortunately, unable to break free for different reasons.

Above is a brief description of symptoms of one of the most common toxic relationships that we experience in life. This is a serious topic that deserves more attention and deeper analysis. Today, we’ll try to shed some light on the deeper level that is why some people are like this. Disclaimer: this is my take away on the reason why people turn out like this. If you find yourself in a toxic relationship with someone having similar characteristic traits, please consult a psychological professional for help.

In the process of growing up, many tasks have been carried out according to a predefined time table. It has already been scientifically proven that very small babies cannot understand the boundary between himself and the world. The most obvious example would be if a toddler saw another fall, or get cut, he or she will spontaneously cry as if the pain is happening to himself. This is not a sign of super developed empathy but a yet developed self-awareness. If you try hard enough, you might even recall some memories of your toddler days in which the world does not exist independently of yourself. Once one left the kindergarten, all the people and everything they interacted with there during the day stopped existing for the kid.

Then with mental growth comes along in the pre-adolescent children, we start to realize that there’s a clear gap between the world and ourselves. This is the deciding moment that a person starts to realize that everything does not resolve around himself. In psychology, this is called the awakening of self-awareness. For now, my hypothesis is that there’s a time window for this process during our growth. I think this should happen somewhere pre-adolescence or during early adolescence. The reason for my deduction is that it seems to me if someone who made it across the adolescence without ever having the self-awakening process, it does not happen later in life neither.

Then, something even more fascinating happens. These individuals that hadn’t had their self-awareness would have been pushed even further from it later in life due to huge amount of coping mechanisms. To make it easier to visualize, this sort of individual does not have the concept “in my personal opinion” at all. Since there is no “self” in their existence, there’s no possibility to see that what they experience and learn is under the omnipresent theme of “personal interpretation” of truth. This is very problematic for social life, because “in my personal opinion” is indeed the buffer in any conflicts of values and social confrontations. Furthermore, it is not only a buffer to lubricate social encounters, but also the foundation of open-mindedness. Because only after one’s realization of self, the acceptation of his or her limits as one individual can happen. And again it is after the acceptation of one’s mortal limit, he or she can evolve further and to be genuinely open-minded.

Now it is clearer why in discussions with certain people, none of what you say would be heard and you’ll always be crushed by the firmness in front of you. Because there’s no self in their psyche, thus everything they come up with equals the ultimate truth. Under this circumstance, your words would always be weaker than the “truth”.

It is worth pointing out that, for a toxic relationship with some one of this kind, what has been discussed above is one of the main sources of constant suffering for the victim. But it is not exactly one of the binding forces that keeps the victim in this relationship. The binding forces are another big subject that deserves more detailed analysis.


原书名:Paris gold Key


Léo Paris

巴黎雷欧 著

Paris 2019





Paris gold Key


Léo Paris


Key to success with ease

Give your poor self-discipline a break

Decision-making, a highly disguised escape

Key to success with efficiency

Toxic personality, why some people are impossible to reason with

Disconnected of one’s emotion, the real symptoms

One is extremely moody because he is NOT emotional

Open mindedness and self-awareness

Cure to boredom, engage the environment around you

DON’T find something that you love and let it kill you

Social accessibility, one major cure for social isolation

The gap between having fun and being successful


Léo Paris




第一讲 轻松成功,有秘诀吗?

第二讲 给你的“自律”放个假

第三讲 决策,可能是伪装的逃避

第四讲 成功的关键在于效率

第五讲 毒性人格,为何不能正常诠释

第六讲 情感脱节,一个危险的症状

第七讲 情绪化,恰恰是因为缺乏感性

第八讲 强烈感觉与自我意识

第九讲 治愈厌倦,参与周围的环境

第十讲 不要让你喜欢的东西杀死你

第十一讲 社交障碍治疗——消除隔离

第十二讲 乐趣和成功之间的差距





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