The Chinese central government has shown greater determination to regulate the unwholesome "work culture". unwholesome /ˌʌnˈhəʊlsəm/:不健康的
In an action plan released recently by the State Council, China's Cabinet, local authorities have been urged to better protect workers' right to rest and tighten supervision of employers' behavior of illegally lengthening employees' working hours.
Employees in China may get a chance to take a breath from the grueling "996 work culture", where people work from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week, after several Chinese companies issued internal reminders to prevent formalistic overtime working and workplace rat race. rat race:激烈的竞争;你死我活的竞争,你争我夺的生活
Shenzhen-based drone manufacturer DJI became a trending topic on social media platform Sina Weibo recently after some of its employees posted their experiences of not being allowed to work overtime after 9 pm. The posts said that DJI's human resources managers patrolled around the building and asked the employees to leave by 9 pm. Midea, a home appliance manufacturer, issued an internal notice in late January, asking its staff members to streamline their working patterns. Midea confirmed the existence of the notice, according to Shanghai-based news outlet The Paper. The group asked the employees not to have meetings or work overtime, reduce the number of work-related WeChat groups and prohibit any formalistic behavior.
半月谈指出,“清场式”赶人,只是职场“反内卷”的破题之笔,真正的考验在于如何将这一举措转化为可持续的管理变革, 让企业真正走出“越忙越卷,越卷越忙”的怪圈。
网友评论 来源:“浙江宣传”公众号
来源:中国青年报 中青评论 央视新闻客户端 半月谈 工人日报 浙江宣传 界面新闻 中国日报
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