2月27日,小米创始人雷军公布“高配版小米汽车”SU7 Ultra正式定价:52.99万元。这款号称对标保时捷的豪华车型预售价格81.49万元,此次正式发布降价接近30万元。

Xiaomi Corp on Thursday unveiled the official pricing for its high-performance electric car, the SU7 Ultra, starting at 529,900 yuan ($73,000), after the Chinese technology company made a splash in the crowded car market last year.

对于SU7 Ultra的定价问题,雷军在发布会现场笑言,有人质疑价格太贵,小米都居然卖到这个价钱了,“为什么小米就不能卖这个价钱呢?”他表示,在国产品牌全面崛起的新时代,大家应该重新看待国产品牌,重新看待小米。

“性能比肩保时捷、科技紧追特斯拉、豪华媲美BBA(奔驰、宝马和奥迪)。”在发布会现场,雷军豪言壮语为小米SU7 Ultra定下未来目标,“要让真正喜欢的人,都买得起!”

Lei Jun, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi, said the SU7 Ultra, which began pre-sales on Oct 29, was initially priced at 814,900 yuan, and that the company decided to significantly lower its price so more people can afford it. And he said Xiaomi is confident about its burgeoning car business.


此前雷军曾经介绍,小米SU7 Ultra量产车将是小米SU7系列中最高端的车型,不用改装,直接驰骋在赛道上,实现可街可赛,他曾对小米SU7 Ultra设定了全年销量超过1万台的目标。


在具体性能和参赛成绩上,SU7 Ultra都交出了不错的成绩单:小米SU7 Ultra拥有1548PS最大马力,0-100km/h加速最快为1.98s,最高时速350公里。

在中国级别最高的上海国际赛车场,小米SU7 Ultra以2分9秒944的成绩刷新了量产车的圈速记录,成功超越了保时捷Taycan Turbo GT的圈速,成为上赛最速量产车。



At the product launch event in Beijing, Lei also revealed that a quarter of its 30 billion yuan R&D investment plan will be allocated to artificial intelligence and related technologies. During the next five years, Xiaomi expects to invest a total of 105 billion yuan in R&D, underscoring its commitment to innovation and technological advancement.

除了大家关心的汽车之外,此次小米还发布了最新款旗舰手机小米15 Ultra。尽管雷军多次表示需要涨价,但小米15 Ultra基础版本从6499元起步,最终没有涨价。

The Xiaomi 15 smartphone, which was launched last year, has also achieved significant success and Lei noted that it has driven substantial growth in sales and market share.


According to data from January 2025, Xiaomi has risen to become the second-largest smartphone brand in China, capturing 16.8 percent of the market share. Huawei leads the market and Vivo, Oppo, and Apple are in third, fourth, and fifth places, respectively.



来源:澎湃新闻 中国日报网

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