The character "生" (sheng) first appeared in oracle bone script. Its original meaning refers to plants growing from the soil, symbolizing the origin and growth of life. In the oracle bone script, the character "生" is composed of a horizontal line at the bottom, representing the ground, and a branching shape at the top, representing the branches and leaves of plants. Together, they symbolize the growth of a tender sprout from the soil.
Over time, the meaning of "生" expanded to include the concept of giving birth or nurturing, as in "父母生育我" (parents gave birth to me). It can also be used as a noun to refer to things that are alive, such as in the term "众生" (all living beings). In addition, "生" is used to represent the state of existence, as in "生活" (life).
Thus, the character "生" is full of vitality and energy, carrying throughout history the reverence and love people have for life, and reflecting a deep understanding and pursuit of living.