孟加拉国的科怀河护水者与哈比甘杰的地球卫士俱乐部在国际河流行动日之际,组织了一个名为 “为河流发声” 的活动。学生们通过展示带有哈比甘杰各条河流名称和图像的横幅和彩饰来参与活动。科怀河、旧科怀河、苏唐河和西奈河是至关重要的资源,但它们面临着诸如被侵占、污染、采砂取土以及其他不公正行为等重大威胁。如果不采取有效行动,这些河流将难以维持哈比甘杰的生态环境和生物多样性。
美国马萨诸塞州的楠塔基特护水者 RJ・特库特已被任命为众议员托马斯・莫克利在楠塔基特的联络人。担任这一职务后,特库特将成为莫克利办公室与该岛社区之间的关键联络点,专注于宣传倡导、环境政策和生态修复工作。他将协助解决当地的问题,并帮助居民与州政府沟通协调。凭借其在环境政策、保护工作和社区参与方面的背景,特库特将为制定立法重点贡献力量。
美国佐治亚州的奥吉奇护水者获取的文件显示,现代汽车集团美国梅塔普兰特工厂(HMGMA)至少在四个月的时间里一直用卡车将废水运往厂外处理。城市技术人员发现,现代汽车的废水中铜含量超过允许上限的六倍多,锌含量超过允许浓度的两倍多。此外,由于现代汽车集团美国梅塔普兰特工厂排放的磷含量不断上升,他们认定这 “明显违反了政府规定的参数标准”。作为回应,现代汽车开始用卡车将 520 万加仑的废水运往私人污水处理厂。该公司声称正严肃对待这一问题,并在努力寻找解决方案。奥吉奇护水者的法律总监本・基尔希评论说,现代汽车的行为扰乱了该市污水处理设施的生化平衡。他指出,这些设施要确定是否能够有效处理现代汽车特定的工业废水,唯一的途径是通过预处理许可。
美国加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥海岸护水者和海岸环境权利基金会(由海岸法律集团代理)已对海洋世界提起公民诉讼,指控其多项违反《清洁水法案》的行为。海洋世界每年举办多达 150 场烟花表演,将数千磅含有化学物质的残骸直接排放到使命湾。这些有害残骸通常覆盖着有毒金属,会影响鱼类的生长发育,并导致藻类大量繁殖、水体富营养化以及众多鱼类死亡。该公司既未遵守其既定的活动后清理程序,也未实施足够的污染控制措施。圣地亚哥海岸护水者和海岸环境权利基金会给了海洋世界 60 天时间来处理这些不当和非法排放问题,随后便提起了诉讼。虽然该公园被允许将经过处理的水族馆水箱废水排放到使命湾,但它已有 500 多天未遵守其废水排放许可证的规定。这起诉讼旨在迫使海洋世界遵守法律,不再将使命湾当作其倾倒场。
美国华盛顿州的双港护水者迎来了他们的新任执行董事埃莉诺・海因斯!埃莉诺在科学、政策、宣传倡导、领导能力、战略规划、推广和社区参与等方面拥有丰富经验,她曾在多个委员会任职,与众多非营利组织合作,并为一个部落非营利组织开展过鲑鱼研究。我们也要衷心感谢苏・乔尔格在过去 25 年里对双港护水者的无私奉献,在此期间,她打造了一个强大的组织,专注于保护和改善华盛顿海岸的水质。恭喜并欢迎埃莉诺!我们期待在你的领导下取得巨大成功。
孟加拉国的护水者举办了一场字母节和书法比赛,以纪念烈士日和国际母语日。此次活动在塔尔托利政府示范中学举行,由 “Dhoritri Rokhhay Amra”(DHORA)组织、普拉亚河希鲱鱼保护委员会和塔尔托利艺术学院共同协办。200 多名学生参与其中,通过书写诗句和用黏土制作字母展示了他们的创造力。
美国马里兰州的切萨皮克护水者在安纳波利斯的州议会大厦为马里兰州的护水者成员和社区倡导者举办了 “水资源宣传日” 活动。今年,他们的工作重点将放在保护环境预算以及支持与全氟和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)、煤灰、植被缓冲带和塑料污染相关的立法上。该组织有机会与 29 名州参议员和众议员会面,其中包括来自阿伦德尔河流地区的新众议员迪伦・贝勒。
MARCH 17, 2025
Catawba Riverkeeper (North Carolina, U.S.) is supporting a newly introduced bill in North Carolina, filed by Representatives Donnie Loftus, Mark Brody, Howard Penny Jr., and Allison Dahle. This bill aims to eliminate minimum parking requirements, phase out toxic pavement sealants, and improve the management of floodwater and runoff in local communities. It is viewed as a crucial step toward addressing the needs of various industries while protecting the health of North Carolina’s waterways and communities. According to the Catawba Riverkeeper, the primary concern is the construction of impervious surfaces, such as parking lots, which increase runoff, leading to water pollution and flooding. With this new bill, state law will no longer mandate the number of parking spaces required for developments that create impervious surfaces. This change is expected to lower business costs and reduce runoff, prompting the state government to recognize the necessity of improving these surfaces to mitigate their destructive impacts.
Khowai River Waterkeeper (Bangladesh) and the Planeteers Club in Habiganj organized a program titled, “Speaking for the Rivers” in recognition of the International Day of Action for Rivers. Students participated by showcasing banners and festoons featuring the names and visuals of various rivers in Habiganj. The Khowai, Old Khowai, Sutang, and Sinai Rivers are critical resources that face significant threats such as encroachment, pollution, sand and soil extraction, and other injustices. Without effective action, these rivers will struggle to maintain the environment and biodiversity of Habiganj.
Nantucket Waterkeeper (Massachusetts, U.S.) RJ Turcotte has been appointed as the Nantucket Liaison for Representative Thomas Moakley. In this role, Turcotte will act as a key point of contact between Moakley’s office and the island community, focusing on advocacy, environmental policy, and ecological restoration. He will assist in addressing local concerns and help residents navigate state government. With his background in environmental policy, conservation efforts, and community engagement, Turcotte will contribute to shaping legislative priorities.
Ogeechee Riverkeeper (Georgia, U.S.) obtained documents revealing that Hyundai Motor Group Metaplant America (HMGMA) has been trucking wastewater off-site for at least four months. City technicians discovered that Hyundai’s wastewater contained more than six times the allowable limit for copper and more than twice the permissible concentration of zinc. Additionally, they identified “clear violations of government parameters” due to the increasing levels of phosphorus in HMGMA’s discharge. In response, Hyundai began trucking 5.2 million gallons of wastewater to private treatment plants. The company asserts that it is taking this issue seriously and is working diligently to find a solution. Ben Kirsch, the Legal Director of the Ogeechee Riverkeeper, commented on how Hyundai's actions have disrupted the biochemical balance at the city’s treatment facilities. He noted that the only way for these facilities to determine if they can effectively treat Hyundai’s specific industrial wastewater is through a pretreatment permit.
San Diego Coastkeeper (California, U.S.) and the Coastal Environmental Rights Foundation (CERF), represented by Coast Law Group, have filed a citizen lawsuit against SeaWorld for multiple violations of the Clean Water Act. SeaWorld hosts up to 150 fireworks shows annually, discharging thousands of pounds of chemical-laden debris directly into Mission Bay. This hazardous debris is often coated with toxic metals, which can affect fish development and lead to algal blooms, eutrophication, and the death of many fish. The company neglected to adhere to its established post-event cleanup procedures and failed to implement sufficient pollution control. Sand Diego Coastkeeper and CERF provided SeaWorld with 60 days to address these improper and illegal discharges and subsequently filed a complaint. While the park is allowed to discharge treated wastewater from aquarium tanks into Mission Bay, it has been out of compliance with its Waste Discharge Permit for more than 500 days. This lawsuit aims to compel SeaWorld to comply with the law and cease treating Mission Bay as its dumping ground.
Twin Harbors Waterkeeper (Washington, U.S.) is welcoming their new Executive Director, Eleanor Hines! With her extensive experience in science, policy, advocacy, leadership, strategic planning, outreach, and community engagement, Eleanor has served on various committees, collaborated with numerous nonprofits, and conducted salmon research for a tribal nonprofit. We also want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Sue Joerger for her incredible dedication to Twin Harbors Waterkeeper over the past 25 years, during which she built a strong organization focused on protecting and improving water quality along the Washington Coast. Congratulations and welcome, Eleanor! We look forward to witnessing great success under your leadership.
Waterkeepers Bangladesh (Bangladesh) organized an Alphabet Festival and Handwriting competition to commemorate Shaheed Dibosh and International Mother Language Day. This event took place at Taltoli Government Model Secondary School, in collaboration with Dhoritri Rokhhay Amra (DHORA), the Praya River Hilsa Conservation Committee, and Taltoli Charukala Academy. Over 200 students participated, showcasing their creativity by writing verses and crafting letters from clay.
Waterkeepers Chesapeake (Maryland, U.S.) hosted Maryland Waterkeepers and community advocates for a Water Advocacy Day at the state capitol in Annapolis. This year, their priorities will focus on protecting the environmental budget and supporting legislation related to PFAS, coal ash, vegetative buffers, and plastic pollution. The group had the opportunity to meet with 29 Senators and Delegates, including Delegate Dylan Behler, the new representative from the District at Arundel Rivers.
本文来自Waterkeeper Alliance,不代表绿色浙江立场
终审:董 舒