

A 35-year-old Chinese tourist sustained severe injuries after falling from a moving train in Sri Lanka on Sunday. The incident occurred near Tunnel No 19 in Idalgashinna while the train was traveling from Nanu Oya to Badulla. Reports indicate the woman had leaned out of the train to take photos when her head struck the tunnel wall, causing her to fall. She was rushed to a nearby hospital and later transferred twice due to the critical nature of her head and leg injuries.


当地导游克里什 (Krish)说,不仅仅是中国游客,几乎所有的游客都喜欢这样,将身体探出正在运行的火车,甚至将整个身体挂在火车外,“社交媒体上的照片或视频,吸引了更多游客效仿。过去几年里,许多人因此受伤甚至丧生。这种做法真的非常危险。”

The accident highlights a dangerous trend among tourists, particularly on Sri Lanka's scenic railway routes. Many visitors imitate social media posts showing individuals leaning out of trains or "hanging" from doorways for dramatic snaps. Local guide Krish noted that such behavior, driven by viral content, has led to multiple injuries and fatalities over the years.






请赴斯 中国游客务必注意交通安全,出行前应提前了解当地气候状况、道路条件、行车习惯和交通规则。 在斯驾车需换领当地驾照,不得使用中国驾照驾驶车辆。 斯偏远地区路况较差,长途旅行最好通过旅行社安排车辆。 如乘坐旅游大巴时发现司机长时间疲劳驾驶、车速过快等情况,及时主动提醒。


The Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka issued advisories on Monday, urging tourists to prioritize safety. Key reminders include avoiding leaning out of trains or standing near doors while traveling, refraining from lingering near tracks due to the lack of guardrails at many crossings, using licensed drivers, and verifying road conditions, particularly in remote areas.

来源 :红星新闻 扬子晚报 驻斯里兰卡大使馆官方微信

China Daily精读计划


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