

Basin 7


© Rasmus Hjortshøj


BIG´s design for Basin 7 in Aarhus, Denmark, will breathe life into the harbor front of Denmark´s second largest city by creating a new public promenade for its citizens. Rather than developing private residences and activating the remaining space between the buildings once residents have moved in, a series of recreational and cultural activities, including a beach zone, a theater and café will transform the area and create an entirely new neighborhood in Aarhus.

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

这条全新的公共长廊将水滨视作公共空间,休闲区自海边一直延伸到市中心,并连通了西侧已有的船港及附近的城镇广场Nikoline Kochs Plads。蜿蜒的长廊既拓展了城市居民的公共空间,也模糊了现代都市与自然水景的界限。

The new public promenade claims the water´s edge as public realm, stretching from the very tip of the waterfront towards the city center, and connects to the existing boat harbor to the west as well as the nearby town square, Nikoline Kochs Plads. The promenade meanders through the plot, creating pockets of new public spaces while blurring the boundaries between the city and water.

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

© Rasmus Hjortshøj


Aarhus Harbor Bath is an extension of BIG's current development plan for Aarhus’ new waterfront neighborhood named Ø4. Aarhus Harbor Bath and adjacent Beach Bath provide new ways for the public to enjoy the water in all seasons.

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

通过与城市生活专家Jan Gehl合作,浴场旨在以最少的建筑体量实现活动价值最大化。浴场仿佛一座“之”字形小岛,环绕着圆形潜水池、50米长泳池以及儿童泳池和位于公共木板路下的两座桑拿浴室。同时,木板路也是绝佳的观景平台,让不愿意下水的游客也可以尽享海滨风光。浴场为居民及游客提供了更具吸引力与冒险性的海滨体验,将公共活动区延伸到水面,同时也让这一历史悠久的工业保留区重获新生。

Together with urban life expert Jan Gehl, our strategy was to create a framework for maximum amount of life with the minimum amount of built substance. The harbor bath zig-zags gently into the island, extends all the way out into the harbor pool and back again. The swimmers can enjoy the circular diving pool, a children's pool, the 50m long lap pool or one of the two saunas that are tucked underneath the public boardwalk which doubles as a viewing platform who those who prefer to stay dry. Aarhus Harbor Bath gives the residents and visitors of the island a more engaging and adventurous waterfront experience, extending the public realm into the water and breathing new life into an area historically reserved for industrial purposes.

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

© Rasmus Hjortshøj


In front of the bath, a series of freestanding restaurants, a children’s theater, beach huts for various activities and other life-creating public oriented programs were designed. As a result, the private residential buildings at O4 become subordinate to the needs of the public realm.


Seven unique buildings, each different in shape and size will populate the site over time. The residential buildings will adapt to their immediate surroundings and will be composed of low-, mid- and high-rise structures to ensure intimacy, life and activity at street level. Every building has a private courtyard for the residents, while the streets remain entirely public.


By designing the public space as the first step, the masterplan carefully mixes public programs with private residences, creating a new dynamic urban area where public and private realms converge.

© Bjarke Ingels Group






委托方:Aarhus Kommune, Anpartsselskabet Kilden & Mortensen

合作方:BIG IDEAS, GEHL Architects, Anpartsselskabet Kilden & Mortensen, CASA, MOE


合伙人:Bjarke Ingels, Finn Nørkjær, Andreas Klok Pedersen

项目负责人:Søren Martinussen

团队成员:Agne Rapkeviciute, Alberte Danvig, Ariel Norback Wallner, Jakob Lange, Jesefa Templo, Katerina Joannides, Nicolas Millot, Raphael Ciriani, Ryohei Koike, Spencer Hayden, Teodor Javanaud Emdén, Tore Banke






委托方:Center for Byens Anvendelse, Aarhus Kommune / Salling Fonden

合作方:CASA A/S, CC-Design A/S, Gehl


合伙人:Bjarke Ingels, Finn Nørkjær, Andreas Klok Pedersen

项目负责人:Jesper Bo Jensen, Søren Martinussen

团队成员:Annette Birthe Jensen, Franklin Natalino Simao, Giedrius Mamavicius, Jacob Lykkefold Aaen, Jakob Ohm Laursen, Johan Bergström, Kristoffer Negendahl, Lucian Tofan, Nicolas Millot, Richard Howis, Ryohei Koike, Soo Woo

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