When Shanghai-based designer Guo Qingshan posted a vacation photo on Valentine's Day and captioned it "Puppy Mountain", it became a sensation in China and even created a tourist destination.
成千上万的网友纷纷围观并留言:“这不就是我家的小狗吗?”“这张图不会是P的吧? ”在此需要澄清一下,“小狗山”是真的!它就位于宜昌秭归九畹溪大桥对面。
The mountain is located in Zigui county in Yichang, along the Yangtze River. While hiking on the Jiuwanxi Bridge during the Spring Festival holiday, Guo noticed the mountain's outline while reviewing his photos and shared his discovery on Chinese lifestyle-sharing platform Xiaohongshu.
有的网友说它像柴犬(Shiba Inu dog),有的说像金毛(Golden Retriever)。更多的网友则觉得,它最像的是中华田园犬(Chinese rural dog)——忠厚老实,默默趴在长江边,守护着来往的游船和货轮,静静听着涛涛江水奔流不息。
根据自然资源部首席科学传播专家、地质旅游专家李忠东分析,这座山体可能属于喀斯特地貌(karst landform),而“眼睛”很可能是一个正在形成的溶洞(karst cave)。
Li Zhongdong, a geological tourism expert, said "Puppy Mountain" was formed by karst processes, creating a karst landform. "The puppy's eyes, the area between the eyebrows and the corners of its mouth may be the entrance of a karst cave," Li said. "The white section between its forehead and nose might be a cliff formed by a collapse, while the appearance of its ears is primarily a visual effect created by vegetation coverage."
The mountain has also garnered international attention. Japan's Abema News reported that many tourists have flocked to the area, surprised to have missed the adorable feature during previous visits. The Associated Press reported that many people traveled to Yichang to see the mountain for themselves, with some even bringing their dogs for photo opportunities. Sky News and the BBC in the United Kingdom and CBS News from the United States also covered the story.
While the internet marvels at the mountain, local authorities have issued a warning. The area is remote and steep and not yet developed as an official scenic site. Visitors are advised to view and take photos from a distance at the observation platform on the opposite bank, known as the "Ox Liver and Horse Lung" Gorge, named after two naturally hanging yellow-brown stalactites on the steep cliffs of the northern bank of the river.
来源:人民日报 中国日报 CNN
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