《守望先锋 2》(OW2)新模式“Stadium”(竞技场)的开发者访谈。
受访者:Dion Rogers, Art Director
Dylan Snyder, Senior Game Designer

开发背景:Stadium 模式开发历时约一年半,最初构思始于两年多前。其目标是提供一个可以极限发挥英雄特色并进行实验的场所,允许尝试在核心游戏中较难实现的玩法。
学习曲线:开发团队希望新玩家能够顺利上手,因此提供了“Starter Builds”(起始构建),让玩家在前几局游戏中能快速适应,再逐步探索更复杂的构筑方案。
平衡机制:为了防止初期劣势导致的滚雪球效应,游戏引入了“赏金系统”(Bounty System),即如果击败强势敌人,能获得大量资源来缩小差距。
英雄池更新:团队计划每个赛季增加 2-3 名英雄,最终目标是让所有英雄都能进入 Stadium 模式。

我是《守望先锋》团队的高级设计师之一,同时也是 Stadium 模式的设计负责人之一。
我是 Young Rogers,担任《守望先锋》的艺术编剧,与设计团队密切合作。
刚刚大家在试玩实验室体验了 Stadium 模式,但由于游戏中有很多有趣的机制,时间较短,无法完全体验。大家想了解是什么契机促成 Stadium 模式进入 OW2,以及团队花了多久开发它?
我们目前的 Stadium 模式开发已持续大约一年半,而最初关于这个模式的讨论则始于两年多前。我们希望创建一个可以极限发挥英雄特色的空间,让设计师能够自由实验,尝试一些在核心游戏中较难实现但又非常有趣的玩法。
在设计英雄时,我们会围绕“幻想”构思,例如牛仔或骑士,并为他们创造许多有趣的技能。在开发过程中,一些能力会被保留,一些则会被舍弃。而 Stadium 模式让我们能够回顾曾经的想法,并加以实现。
在 Stadium 模式中,玩家无法更换英雄,这样的设计是为了增加战术深度。在核心游戏里,战术的灵活性来自于随时换英雄,而在 Stadium 模式中,我们希望让玩家投资于某个英雄的成长,并通过不同的道具和能力升级应对挑战。
如果一方队伍在前期处于劣势,可能会陷入失败的连锁效应。为了防止这种情况,我们引入了赏金系统(Bounty System)。如果敌方某些角色过于强势,只要成功击败他们一次,就能获得大量资源,帮助缩小差距。
关于英雄池的更新,我们计划每个赛季增加 2-3 名英雄,最终 Stadium 模式会囊括所有英雄。如果你喜欢的英雄当前不在模式中,不用担心,未来一定会加入。
关于未来发展,我们正在关注是否适合引入英雄禁选机制。同时,我们希望 Stadium 模式能够成为一个实验场,让玩家体验到超越核心游戏的英雄玩法。

I'm a senior designer on the Overwatch team, and I'm one of the design leads on stadium, and

I'm the young Rogers, and I'm the art writer for Overwatch, working closely
我是young Rogers ,《守望先锋》的美术文案作者,与团队紧密合作。

Thank you. Singer. Okay, so they did have a hands-on experience just now in the lab, but not long enough because there are so many smart tricks and kicks, and they wanted to play, but didn't have time.

But with that set, they want to know what triggers that put stadium into OW2, and how long the team spent to develop this.

Sure. Um. So we have been working on stadium in its current form for about a year and a half and then.

But the the beginnings of it, the the talks about how we would do this and what this should be, started over two years ago.

It's been a long time, um, and the the desire was really to create a space in the game where as designers, we could push the hero fantasy of our heroes to its limits, and kind of create a really easy way to experiment and try stuff that maybe is too risky for the the core game, but that is still a ton of fun that we think works great for the game.
这个过程确实很漫长。我们的目标是打造一个特殊的游戏空间,让设计师能够最大程度地发挥英雄的“幻想体验”(Hero Fantasy),并提供一个可以轻松尝试新机制的环境。这些机制可能对核心游戏而言风险太大,但依然充满乐趣,并且能很好地融入游戏体验。

Jane Stadium Whenever we create a hero, we looking for the fantasy of a hero like, um, cowboy or knight, and we create a lot of fun powers for the character.

And as we develop it, we have to get rid of some things, or keep some things. Stadium allows us actually look back at some of the ideas we had when we make a hero and use them all almost.

So this is a new mode.

When you design stadium, do you have kind of a timeline, think, for the learning curve for the new players, how they get know the mode, then they get familiar with it, then they get pretty good at it?

Um. We have quite a few people on the team focused exactly on that.

There's a lot in this mode, as as you all saw.

And, uh, the starter build was was a big part of introducing this.

We fully understand it's a lot.

So we created sort of an easy to grasp, soft, soft entry point, right?

And so that's where Starter builds came about.

And the first several games that you play, we start you in that screen, just as like, hey, it's a safe shore bet this will do immediate work for you.

But then after that point, after those first several games, we kind of say, okay, maybe put you outside your comfort zone a little bit and start exploring the other options.

In terms of, like, an exact number of games we think that will take for players, uh, I don't think we have one yet.

We're, we're excited to learn that as well.

This is, this is all pretty new for us too, right?

But, yeah, we we're definitely doing a lot to make sure that newer players can ease their way.

Yeah, we actually changed the UI multiple times to help ease players into it.

Um, one of the things that is really interesting about Overwatch players is they are extremely intelligent and they pick up things very quickly.

So we were really looking for ways to provide information to them at the right time.

We didn't want to over explain anything, because we knew that our audience would be able to learn as they play, and, um, we're excited to see how they take to it.

They actually have a question regarding the mechanics. So what’s the biggest difference between this new mode and a PvP mode?

I would say it's a much more, uh, sort of, like, build-driven experience. Uh, in PvP, you're really relying on teamwork and tactics and skill expression to win your games.

In Stadium, there's a lot more exploration. It's a lot more about trying new things, uh, seeing how different pieces interact with each other, finding cool synergies, and just kind of having fun with it.

Uh, we really wanted to lean into the experimentation side of Overwatch.

That’s why they think it’s quite fresh. So do you have any fun ideas that didn’t make it to the final build?

So many! Uh, we, we had a bunch of different ideas for, like, ways we could express some of the power upgrades, some of the different, uh, mechanics we could add.

Um, one of my favorites that we had very early on was, uh, a build that gave you a ton of movement options, where, like, you could just chain blinks on tracer forever.

Uh, that was really fun, but, uh, was a little too much for the game, so we, we had to pull that back.

But there were so many other ideas, and I think one of the coolest things about this mode is that we have a place to try those things in the future.

So this means there will be more patches and updates in the future, right?

Uh, I can't say exactly what we're doing yet, but, uh, we're definitely excited about what's next.

And, uh, you know, seeing what players respond to, seeing what they find fun, seeing what they get excited about, that's gonna help guide a lot of our decisions going forward.

That sounds promising! So lastly, do you have anything you’d like to say to Chinese players who just tried the mode?

Just, uh, thank you so much! Uh, we're so excited to see you all play this, to see what cool things you all come up with.

Um, Overwatch players are some of the most creative people I have ever met, and I'm just excited to see what crazy stuff you all do with this mode.

• 该模式的核心目标是创造一个更加自由、构筑驱动的游戏体验,让玩家探索英雄的极限。
• 团队在用户体验方面下了很大功夫,例如起始构筑的设计,帮助新玩家快速上手。
• 有许多未能进入正式版本的有趣想法,但这个模式为未来的创新留足了空间。
• 未来更新暂未明确,但团队会根据玩家的反馈做出调整。

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