







当晚,在输液过后,“白龙”的情况依然不容乐观,大口喘着粗气,转了几圈后,重重 地倒在了地上,一直在挣扎。经检查,马儿是突发肠绞窄,这在马属动物中是一种并不罕见的急症,一旦发病,肠道扭转在一起,死亡率很高。

After saving two drowning individuals in the Hanjiang River, Erbay Dosbag sadly lost his white horse named Bailong, which fell ill and passed away due to acute intestinal strangulation.





Feb 4 started as an ordinary day for Erbay Dosbag and his friend Su Shaogao, who operate an equestrian club in Xiantao, Hubei province. They were riding along the banks of the Hanjiang River, a tributary of the Yangtze River, when they heard a splash. Su saw a person falling into the water.


Erbay was saddling his white horse Bailong when he decided to act. He mounted the horse without properly fastening the saddle and rode into the river to reach the struggling middle-aged man, who was at risk of being swept away. After running through the water for about 3 meters, the horse began to swim. About 50 meters later, Erbay reached the man, grabbed his clothes and started to drag him to shore. At the same time, Liu Hangzhou, a 57-year-old winter swimming amateur and military veteran, swam to assist from behind, helping to push the man toward safety.


来自新疆的依立拜今年39岁,他从6岁起就开始驯马。2024年9月, 依立拜在一个马场将“白龙”买下,视其为挚友。救人后上岸,他第一时间为它刮去身上湿透的毛发,随后才给自己换上干衣服。

Erbay, 39, is from the Ili Kazak autonomous prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, and has been taming horses since he was 6. His horse, named Bailong, is 7 years old. After reaching shore, Erbay first wiped down Bailong before changing his own clothes.

2月5日清晨, 依立拜去看望“白龙”,发现它无精打采,测温后才发现体温高达40℃。对马而言,这是发起了高烧。意识到情况不妙,依立拜立即四处找药,为“白龙”打针治疗。

At 3 am on Feb 5, Erbay checked on the horse and found it restless. A thermometer showed a fever of 40 C, significantly higher than a horse's normal body temperature of around 37 C. Erbay administered medication, and later that day, staff from the Xiantao animal husbandry bureau provided intravenous fluids.


2月6日中午,“白龙”基本退烧。当日,湖北省仙桃见义勇为基金会授予依立拜、苏邵高和刘杭州“仙桃市见义勇为先进群体”称号。同时,还为“白龙”佩戴大红花,身穿大红马衣,准备了干玉米等草料,让它一同接受表 彰。

Local authorities honored Erbay, Su and Liu with the title of "righteous and brave" citizens on Feb 6. Officials also held a special ceremony for Bailong, adorning its head with a red flower and offering fresh corn and grass in appreciation for its role in the rescue.




来源:中国日报网 新华每日电讯 中国新闻网 人民日报 极目新闻 湖北日报 荆楚网 上游新闻 仙桃日报

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