《情绪管理十二讲》第3版:第七讲 情绪化,恰恰是因为缺乏感性第七讲-情绪化,恰恰是因为缺乏感性












One is extremely moody because he is NOT emotional

Have you ever asked yourself this question: why some of the moodiest people believe firmly that they are perfectly rational? Why your borderline lunatic relative could come back to you as nothing has happened after they’ve bashed you very inappropriately like an exploding volcano a couple of days before?

It is also quite shocking for me to witness this sometime ago at work. It was an eye opener to watch one of my ex-colleague abuse a client on the phone, then spontaneously go to her supervisor to protest that she got abused by the client with a firm belief that she holds the truth.

To understand the reason behind these absurd scenes, we shall analyze the structure in human psyche which is responsible for this craziness. There’re 3 concepts that are constantly at work in our psyche: conscious (the self), emotions (outbursts of unconscious), and mood (usual reaction). They look a lot more complicated than they really are, but they are simple concepts. Let me discuss each one in a very brief manner.

For each person, there’s consciousness or self. It is a unit that can both perceive the existence of itself (inward) and what’s happening around itself (outside). It is the word “I” in any sentence we pronounce. For example, I am well; I see light. So, you can see, consciousness is thus the cradle for logic and reason. Then, there’s a dark world of unconsciousness in the human psyche that we are rid of direct access. It is there thanks to millions of years of evaluation to cope with the survival needs of our ancestors. Our emotions, which are a crucial part of our survival mechanisms, are signals from our unconsciousness to the self. The form of this communication is tangible: rushing heart-beats, climbing body temperature, sweating, tightened stomach, as well as loosen muscles, lower blood-pressure, or that itchy feeling in one’s chest right before you reach out for the thing you dreamt about for a long time. These tangible corporal signals we experience each day in life are our emotions. They don’t convey any intellectual meaning by themselves directly, and they are very personal.

Then there comes the third concept which is different than the previous two, the mood. The biggest difference is that mood is at the same time personal and social. The concept is still simple: the usual reaction of the self (consciousness) to the signals of unconsciousness (emptions). Most importantly, it CAN be perceived by other consciousnesses around the subject. Yeah, this is where it gets interesting. Someone’s mood can be actively and passively perceived by other people quite effectively. That is why we say that mood is contagious.

Now, it is clearer for us to see that the concept of someone being emotional has nothing to do with mood. Being emotional simply means that the consciousness of the person is accepting and welcoming his emotions. These signals from the dark side are taken assertively, treated with care and processed by intelligence constantly. In other word, an emotional person has a strong bridge between his consciousness and unconsciousness.

On the contrary, for a person who is not emotional at all, his unconsciousness is probably cut off from his self-awareness. The signals of the dark ocean come and receive no attention from the consciousness at all, let alone proper treatment. The problem is obvious in this case.

After millions of years of evolution, our unconsciousness is extremely strong, they are at work 24/7 to keep us alert and alive. When the consciousness is ignoring the flushing signals sent by the deeper level, it does NOT mean that the consciousness is in control. The dark force would quickly take over and smash the situation (quite often with inappropriate manner in our modern way of life). An individual in this situation is actually a slave of his own emotions. His mood would not be channeled nor softened by the consciousness but splashes freely towards every direction at sight. And the best part? While doing so, his brain is wondering genuinely: why is everyone mad at me? What are their problem?


原书名:Paris gold Key


Léo Paris

巴黎雷欧 著

Paris 2019





Paris gold Key


Léo Paris


Key to success with ease

Give your poor self-discipline a break

Decision-making, a highly disguised escape

Key to success with efficiency

Toxic personality, why some people are impossible to reason with

Disconnected of one’s emotion, the real symptoms

One is extremely moody because he is NOT emotional

Open mindedness and self-awareness

Cure to boredom, engage the environment around you

DON’T find something that you love and let it kill you

Social accessibility, one major cure for social isolation

The gap between having fun and being successful


Léo Paris




第一讲 轻松成功,有秘诀吗?

第二讲 给你的“自律”放个假

第三讲 决策,可能是伪装的逃避

第四讲 成功的关键在于效率

第五讲 毒性人格,为何不能正常诠释

第六讲 情感脱节,一个危险的症状

第七讲 情绪化,恰恰是因为缺乏感性

第八讲 强烈感觉与自我意识

第九讲 治愈厌倦,参与周围的环境

第十讲 不要让你喜欢的东西杀死你

第十一讲 社交障碍治疗——消除隔离

第十二讲 乐趣和成功之间的差距





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