《情绪管理十二讲》第3版:第四讲 成功的关键在于效率第四讲-成功的关键在于效率












Key to success with efficiency

Seeing this title, you might think that this would be another article that talks about the omnipresent subjects of several habits of highly effective people. But no, this is not one of these articles.

Efficiency can be improved upon so many different levels in life. Today I’m going to hit an obscure area of it: stop reconstruction the facts in your head post unpleasant events to preserve your self-image. In more specific words, don’t doubt your intention, judge your skills instead.

I’ve witnessed many friends and myself stagnate in life for longer or shorter periods. Sometimes it’s painful to watch right away, but sometimes it took a long time to realize. In a broader sense of personal growth, lack of progress in a given time frame is a clear failure to obtain efficiency.

I’ll take a personal example to illustrate my point. Similar situations have been repeatedly observed among my friends. As a lonely young male first starts to navigate in the sea of life, I inevitably encountered the challenge that is old as time itself: find love, or intimate companionship from attractive girls.

But as you can imagine, with the radical change of cultural background (I moved from China to France, so there went my social adequacy), plus my adolescent taste for clothing, horror inducing hair style choices and lack of crucial people skills, I wasn’t doing great at all.

Stunning, right? Just hold on, because this is not the shocking part at all. What really killed the efficiency in my personal growth, was the defensive mechanism that I created in my head to cope with this unpleasant situation.

Let me run a simulation of my experience for you to understand it better.

After weeks of struggle, I finally managed to get a phone number of a cute girl from a party, Marie. And, a second miracle has dropped from the sky, she actually replied to my text OMG. Then, I would work my way up, carefully arrange a time and place for a first date, so far so good. Finally, the day came, I would show up nervous, awkward, and with short bursts of frustration attack here and there during the first date. Now you probably figured out that the result would be disastrous (I didn’t mean that time when I was so nervous that I spilled hot coffee all over myself in front of my date). So far there’s nothing special. For any man who has perfected his game over the years, it’s just a process that we could laugh at later on. But back then, something would happen in my brain after I understood that Marie was not interested in a romantic involvement with me. My first move was always to quickly doubt my desire to find love, to be skeptical about my urge to find physical or mental connections with a girl I appreciate. My brain would come up with ideas like: I’m not sure if I really want this. Maybe sentiment is not the best thing for me right now. It is more important that I focus on my study and work which are absolute priorities, etc.

And this afterthought, is the exact opposite of what I mentioned at the beginning of this article. I was doubting my intention, instead of judging my skills. It took me so many years to be able to confront my brain with this simple question when it starts to be whiny: hold on there, if what we are trying to score here is a piece of cake, and we have a very good chance to get it without any more hassle, would you still rather leave it? Then, I just enjoy watching my brain very reluctantly utter the following phrase: in that case, it would be nice to bring her home tonight.

You may think that I’m playing a mind game here. But sadly, we are always the ones that get played by our own minds. Let’s peel the onion even further. Why we doubt our intentions easily? The reason is simple, by doing so, we avoid the very risk of facing our incompetence regarding what we want to achieve.

You can’t say I’m not good enough when I’m not really into it. How clever is it? Sadly, one of the keys that makes us progress in life is the self-awareness that we are yet skillful enough for what we want. Remember, our skills don’t define us, because we can always train to get better. But our mental strength does.


原书名:Paris gold Key


Léo Paris

巴黎雷欧 著

Paris 2019





Paris gold Key


Léo Paris


Key to success with ease

Give your poor self-discipline a break

Decision-making, a highly disguised escape

Key to success with efficiency

Toxic personality, why some people are impossible to reason with

Disconnected of one’s emotion, the real symptoms

One is extremely moody because he is NOT emotional

Open mindedness and self-awareness

Cure to boredom, engage the environment around you

DON’T find something that you love and let it kill you

Social accessibility, one major cure for social isolation

The gap between having fun and being successful


Léo Paris




第一讲 轻松成功,有秘诀吗?

第二讲 给你的“自律”放个假

第三讲 决策,可能是伪装的逃避

第四讲 成功的关键在于效率

第五讲 毒性人格,为何不能正常诠释

第六讲 情感脱节,一个危险的症状

第七讲 情绪化,恰恰是因为缺乏感性

第八讲 强烈感觉与自我意识

第九讲 治愈厌倦,参与周围的环境

第十讲 不要让你喜欢的东西杀死你

第十一讲 社交障碍治疗——消除隔离

第十二讲 乐趣和成功之间的差距





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