

With the Chinese New Year around the corner, many beauty lovers are gearing up to get a fresh manicure to ring in the New Year. Yet, frequent nail treatments could potentially come with some health risks. gear up 为某事做好准备




一开始是长出了一块多余的“肉”,这块肉越长越大,慢慢成了类似“三叉戟”的样子。姗姗急忙到医院检查,发现这个“三叉戟”其实是一种增生的肉芽组织。杭州市第一人民医院皮肤性病科副主任医师钟剑波诊断,这个赘生物是甲周纤维瘤(Periungual fibroma)。

甲周纤维瘤大部分都是创伤导致的,结合患者经历来看,医生认为姗姗的主要致病原因就是长期美甲。“一片穿戴甲(press-on nails)看似没有什么重量,但其实对指甲会产生很大的负担。而且美甲过程中,不管是指甲油还是操作手法,都会对指甲造成伤害。”钟剑波说,美甲一定要克制,千万不要频繁做。

A single nail extension may seem light, but it actually puts a lot of pressure on the nails. Additionally, the nail care process, including the application of nail polish and the techniques used, can damage the nails. Doctors emphasized the importance of moderation and advised against frequent manicures.




此外,很多美甲店使用的工具都是共用的,即便每次换人使用时会进行酒精消毒或者水洗,但这些操作都难以完全杀灭细菌,这就会增加美甲爱好者患上甲沟炎(paronychia)等风险。特别是打磨等操作会使指甲变薄,处于屏障功能受损状态,给予病菌更多的入侵机会。同时,还会刺激皮肤免疫系统失调,引发连续性肢端皮炎(acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau)。

Even though many nail salons may clean tools with alcohol or water between clients, these measures often aren't enough to completely get rid of fungi and bacteria. This increases the risk of nail enthusiasts developing conditions like paronychia. In particular, procedures such as filing and buffing can weaken the nails, compromising their protective function and providing more opportunities for pathogens to enter. Additionally, such practices can disrupt the skin's immune system, potentially triggering conditions like acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau. file:锉削 buff:擦亮,抛光 immune system /ɪˈmjuːn sɪstəm/:免疫系统


在美甲过程中,为了使甲胶能够牢固粘在指甲表面。美甲师会通过在指甲表面不断打磨,来增加摩擦力,以利于黏贴。这个不断打磨的过程就是不断损伤指甲表面脂质膜(lipid layer)和角蛋白(keratin)的过程。一旦指甲变薄,就容易发生断裂损伤。

During the manicure process, nail technicians often file the nail surface repeatedly to increase friction and help the gel polish adhere firmly to the nail. However, this repeated filing process damages the lipid layer and keratin on the nail surface. Once the nails become thinner, they are more prone to breaking and damage. be prone to 倾向于


Doctors suggested that it is not uncommon to see patients in clinics who develop onychomycosis due to frequent manicures. Normally, the nail plate is well-protected by the cuticle, but excessive cuticle removal and polishing can weaken the nail's defense. In such cases, if nail tools are not thoroughly disinfected, the likelihood of infection significantly increases.



常有美甲商家宣称:美甲店里用的是甲油胶(Gel polish),不同于以往的指甲油,甲油胶不含甲醛,也没有毒性。

然而事实并非如此。甲油胶在正常使用情况下是相对安全的,但并不完全无毒。甲油胶的主要成分是树脂(resin)、光敏引发剂(photoinitiators),以及各种助剂。其中,有机溶剂(organic solvents)如丙酮(acetone)常用于调整甲油胶的粘度(viscosity)和流动性(fluidity),但它们可能在使用过程中挥发出来,对呼吸系统(respiratory system)和眼睛产生刺激作用。

Gel polish is relatively safe under normal usage conditions but is not completely non-toxic. Its primary components include resin, photoinitiators, and various other additives. Among these, organic solvents like acetone are commonly used to adjust the viscosity and fluidity of gel polish. However, these solvents may volatilize during use, potentially irritating the respiratory system and eyes.



Some brands, in an effort to reduce costs, use harmful materials such as formaldehyde resin. In recent years, multiple national cosmetic sampling inspections have repeatedly detected banned substances, such as dichloromethane in gel polish and nail polish products. Prolonged exposure to these ingredients can lead to serious health problems. For example, long-term exposure to toluene may irritate the respiratory system, causing problems like inflammation. Additionally, formaldehyde, benzene, and acetaldehyde are considered potentially toxic and carcinogenic.


Furthermore, nail salon environments also present potential risks. While gel polish is relatively safe under normal usage conditions, consumers should remain cautious and choose reputable brands and products. It is essential to use gel polish in well-ventilated spaces and to minimize prolonged exposure to organic solvent fumes.

美甲店中空气挥发性有机化合物含量可能远远超标。图源:Lamplugh, Aaron, et al. "Occupational exposure to volatile organic compounds and health risks in Colorado nail salons." Environmental pollution 249 (2019): 518-526.

由于甲油胶的干燥速度远比指甲油慢,因此需要紫外线美甲灯(UV nail lamp)照射,在短时间内完成凝胶指甲的固化。然而,美甲灯照射也有可能对人体造成伤害。


UV nail lamps are typically composed of multiple light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs. While high-dose UV exposure is a well-known factor in causing skin cancer, does the UV light from nail lamps have the same effect? A 2013 study by the University of Utah found that in less than 10 minutes of nail treatment, the hands receive a UV dose equivalent to the "recommended daily limit" for outdoor workers.






► 选择信誉良好的产品、正规的美甲店 。不论是做美 甲还是卸甲,最好找正规商家进行操作,学会自己看配料表,选择更安全的水溶性指甲油(water-based nail polishes)或指甲贴片(nail stickers);

► 确保在通风良好的环境中使用甲油胶,并尽量避免长时间接触有机溶剂的气味;

► 在做美甲时采取一些预防措施,尽量减少对手部皮肤的处理,如佩戴防护手套、不打磨甲板表面、尽量不修剪甲小皮等等。




Lamplugh, Aaron, et al. "Occupational Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds and Health Risks in Colorado Nail Salons." Environmental Pollution, vol. 249, 2019, pp. 518-526.

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