美国本土重量级人物,对tik tok最公正最客观的评价
苹果联合创始人stuart z ni这样说道,what's the problem with tik tok,we heard a lot about every single one of the big tech companies in the United States,
well I think it's the whole,the data privacy and also any sort of,communications or coming in from China that May be that they can sway,what you wind up seeing which can sway the China indians,
you think the Chinese have learned it that well from US,or every other country i dont think anything at all,im just saying what the argument against tik tok is,that's all but I think it,but I hear it,but i dont hear the argument against the prince pull,a principle is something that is,right or wrong here or there,and i didn't see a principle being exposed because it would take in a,lot more companies before tik tok want more companies before tik tok,
i dont think anything at all I'm,just saying what the argument against tik tok is that's all,
毫无疑问,这女子是已经被沃尔兹回府给整蒙了,他以为沃尔兹会像其他政客一样,站在他的一边,一起攻击tik tok,一起攻击中国,结果他完全没有想到words会这么回复,客观来说我们很多技术是从欧美那学来的,他们的工业革命发展的比我们早,技术积累也比我们早,但近30来年,经过我们勤劳有智慧的中国人,不断的努力,现在我们已经在很多领域实现了反超而美,正所谓青出于蓝而胜于蓝,通信技术1G无限寻呼机到2G大哥大,无疑是美国老大,发展到3G后,我们开始追赶4G,我们算是追平了美西方,而到5G,我们就算已经彻底把美西方甩到了后面了,结果五年前,就出现了打压华为中兴的产业的事情,互联网技术同样的情况,微博1.0时代,无疑是美国老大,我们的网易新浪搜狐紧随其后,微博2.0时代,中国互联网已经疯狂在追赶流上啊,甚至在移动支付,短视频的领域出现了反超的事态,结果同样就出现了美国明着抢tik tok的情况,我只说如果tik tok北京,那么美国科技巨头都要被调查,所以要么一视同仁,要么别只针对tik tok来玩双标,感谢沃兹的客观和公正的评价。